
Thursday 13 January 2011

Another Nightmare

It comes to an end way
When its dark and quiet
They took all of them


well intinya, gw kena lagi. kali ini garagara si AA (nama disamarkan) dosen yg membimbing gw dalam tugas 3D. sebenarnya bukan karna dia juga. Tapi, emang gw merasa yg dia itu rada munafik dan ****.

Monday 6 December 2010

Everybody's change

i wonder why everybody all around me, even people who I don't know must B change like that. Everything, smuanya. Bahkan ortu gue, ade gue, temen temen gue. Kenapa stiap orang harus berubah? tell me strong reasons. Why??
I don't get it. even i'm understand they. Just can't do anything. Silence at all just like the old times.